Thursday, July 25, 2013

Ocean- Day 5

Here is what we did on Day 5 of Ocean......

Art- Shell Print's

Math- Animal Sizing

Science/Sensory- Shell print's in Play-Doh

Literacy- Mini Ocean Book's

Cooking- We made muffin's and used blue food coloring for Ocean

Ocean- Day 4

Here is what we did on Day 4 of Ocean.......

Art- Jellyfish Bowl

Science/Sensory- Jellyfish Sensory bottle ( I used a produce bag to cut a jellyfish shape) You will need a light plastic not something like a ziplock bag.

Literacy- Letter Ff Sorting Printable can be found at

Math- Number Puzzle's (Not Pictured)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ocean- Day 3

I forgot to take a picture of the letter puzzle's for literacy but they are pictured in other post, but here is what else we did on Day 3....
Art- Seashell Painting (I used food coloring)

Math- Shell Sorting (Size, Shape & Color)

Science/Sensory- Ocean Sensory Bag's, the kids did do letter puzzle's but i also had them practice making Ff in the sensory bags

Ocean- Day 2

Here is what we did on Day 2 of Ocean.....

Art- Ocean Picture (Bubble wrap painting for the bubble's, Handprint for seaweed and Fingerprint' or sand) 

Math- Number fish with marble bubbles. I cut the fish shapes out myself and added number sticker's 

Literacy- Letter f fish

Sensory- Marble Play with Ocean item's

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ocean- Day 1

I introduced our Ocean unit today by making a list of things we can find in the Ocean/Beach, Here is what else we did today....

Art/Literacy- Letter Ff introduction and Collage

Sensory- Water Table

Math- Land/Ocean Animal Sort


Our monthly theme for July is Ocean, we will be playing in the water often but here is what our center's look like...
 Science/Sensory- In the red bucket are small ocean animal's and photo cards, In the green bucket are seashells and below is a picture of one of our sensory bag's (Hair gel & glitter). I also put the water table in my kitchen with Ocean animals and shells.

Dramatic Play- Beach Item's, Due t the fact everything is moved around Dramatic play is really small for the time being.

Sky- Day 11

On day 11 of sky everything was themed for the 4th of July (tomorrow is July 4th)  Also there is no sensory for today because it was a short day. Here is what we did on the last day of Sky.......
Art- Firework painting. I used pipe cleaner and bent it into a firework shape. We also did some firework coloring

Math- Red,White & Blue Sort

Literacy- Letter puzzles Aa-Ee

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Sky- Day 10

Here is what we did on Day 10......

Art- Blow Painting

Math- Shape Matching

Literacy- Letter Ee for egg

Science/Sensory-  Guessing what thing the kids could blow with a straw

Sky- Day 9

Sorry it's been a while since I have posted. It's been super busy around my house but here is what we did on Day 9 of Sky.....

Art- Star Cookie Cutter Painting

Math- Start Matching. I made the stars out of construction paper and cut the stars in half.

Literacy- Lettter Ee Puppets, I found this at You can find ever letter on this site.

Sensory- Water Play